Tuesday 15 December 2020

How To Auto Start Virtual Machine(VM) In Azure

To reduce the cost of the Azure Virtual Machine, during unused hours a user can shutdown the VM. And when access to VM is required. Using Azure automation these things can be automated.

Please follow below steps to schedule VM autostart

  • Login to "Azure Portal"
  • Go to "More Services"
  • Serch "Automation Account"
  • Specify
           Account Name 
           Select Subscription
           Select Existing or create New resource group
           Select Location

    If creating first automation account select "Yes" as Create Azure Run as Account

  • After successfully creating Automation account
  • Go to "Runbooks"
  • Go to Runbook Gallery
  • Select "Start Azure V2 VM"
  • Press "Import" to import selected Runbook
  • Provide Name and Description
  • Press "OK"
  • After Runbook creation it will redirect to Runbooks
  • Go to "Edit"
  • Press "Publish"
  • Once published. Next step is schedule
  • Go to "Schedule" in runbooks
  • Press "Create a new schedule"
  • Enter details 
  • Name 
  • Description
  • Start Date & Time
  • Recurrence - Once/Recurring
  • If selected Recurring - select Recur duration
  • Set expiration of schedule
  • Press "Create"
  • Press "Start"
  • Select "Resource Group Name", "VM Name"
  • Run Settings
  • Press "OK"

Location: India


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