Showing posts with label Azure Serverless Computing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure Serverless Computing. Show all posts

Friday 3 March 2023

What is Azure Function? Steps to create Azure Functions

Azure Function is a serverless compute service on Microsoft Azure that enables you to build and run event-driven applications and microservices using serverless architecture. It allows developers to write code that responds to an event such as an HTTP request, database update, or a message in a queue.

Steps to create an Azure Function:

1. Log in to the Azure Portal: Go to and sign in to your Azure account.

2. Create a new Function App: From the Azure Portal, click the "+ Create a resource" button on the left-hand side menu. Then, search for "Function App" and select the appropriate option.

3. Configure the basic settings: Provide a name for your Function App, select the appropriate subscription, and choose a resource group for the app.

4. Choose the runtime and operating system: Select the programming language and version for your function app. You can choose from a variety of supported languages, including Node.js, C#, Python, and Java.

5. Choose the hosting plan: Select the hosting plan for your function app. You can choose from several options, including Consumption Plan, Premium Plan, and Dedicated Plan.

6. Configure the storage: Choose the storage account to use for your function app.

7. Create a new function: From the Azure Portal, navigate to your Function App and click the "+ New Function" button.

8. Choose the function template: Select the function template you want to use. There are several templates available, including HTTP Trigger, Timer Trigger, and Blob Trigger.

9. Configure the function settings: Provide a name for your function, choose the appropriate trigger, and configure the input and output bindings.

10. Write the function code: Write the code for your Azure Function using the programming language and framework of your choice.

11. Test the function: Test the function locally or deploy it to Azure and test it using the Azure Portal.

12. Monitor the function: Monitor the performance and usage of your Azure Function using the Azure Portal.

You can now run your serverless application in the cloud and take advantage of the benefits of serverless computing, including automatic scaling and pay-per-use pricing.

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless Computing is a cloud computing model where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically provisions, scales, and manages the compute resources required to run an application or service. With serverless computing, developers can focus on writing code and building applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Components of Serverless Computing:

1. Function as a Service (FaaS):

This is the core component of serverless computing. FaaS allows developers to write code that runs in response to an event trigger. The cloud provider manages the infrastructure required to run the code, and the code is executed only when the event occurs. Examples of event triggers include HTTP requests, database updates, and scheduled tasks.

2. Event sources:

These are the triggers that cause the serverless function to execute. Event sources can be internal or external to the application. Some examples of event sources include HTTP requests, database updates, file uploads, and messaging queues.

3. Stateless computing:

Serverless functions are designed to be stateless, meaning they don't maintain any state between function executions. All the necessary data is passed to the function as input parameters, and the function returns the output data.

4. Pay-per-use pricing:

Serverless computing follows a pay-per-use pricing model, meaning developers only pay for the compute resources they consume. This makes serverless computing a cost-effective option for applications with unpredictable traffic patterns.