Showing posts with label Cloud Computing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud Computing. Show all posts

Friday 3 March 2023

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless Computing is a cloud computing model where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically provisions, scales, and manages the compute resources required to run an application or service. With serverless computing, developers can focus on writing code and building applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Components of Serverless Computing:

1. Function as a Service (FaaS):

This is the core component of serverless computing. FaaS allows developers to write code that runs in response to an event trigger. The cloud provider manages the infrastructure required to run the code, and the code is executed only when the event occurs. Examples of event triggers include HTTP requests, database updates, and scheduled tasks.

2. Event sources:

These are the triggers that cause the serverless function to execute. Event sources can be internal or external to the application. Some examples of event sources include HTTP requests, database updates, file uploads, and messaging queues.

3. Stateless computing:

Serverless functions are designed to be stateless, meaning they don't maintain any state between function executions. All the necessary data is passed to the function as input parameters, and the function returns the output data.

4. Pay-per-use pricing:

Serverless computing follows a pay-per-use pricing model, meaning developers only pay for the compute resources they consume. This makes serverless computing a cost-effective option for applications with unpredictable traffic patterns.

Azure Compute Resource & Types of compute resources

Azure Compute is a cloud-based computing service that provides scalable and flexible compute resources for running applications and workloads. Azure Compute offers several types of compute resources, including virtual machines, containers, and serverless computing. Here is a detailed overview of each type of Azure Compute resource:

1. Virtual Machines:

Azure Virtual Machines allow you to deploy and run Windows or Linux virtual machines in the cloud. With Virtual Machines, you can choose from a wide range of pre-configured virtual machine images, or you can create your own custom image. You can also choose from a variety of virtual machine sizes and configurations to meet your specific workload requirements. Azure Virtual Machines are ideal for running enterprise applications, web applications, and databases.

2. Containers:

Azure Containers provide a lightweight and portable way to package and deploy applications. With Azure Containers, you can run Docker containers in the cloud, allowing you to easily move your applications between development, testing, and production environments. Azure Containers provide a flexible and scalable way to run microservices-based applications, and they integrate seamlessly with other Azure services such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

3. Serverless Computing:

Azure Serverless computing allows you to run applications without having to manage infrastructure. With Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps, you can run small code snippets or workflows in the cloud, triggered by events or schedules. Serverless computing is ideal for running small, stateless, and event-driven workloads, such as event processing, data processing, and webhooks.

In addition to these compute resources, Azure Compute also offers several other services and features, including:

1. Azure Batch:

A service that allows you to run large-scale parallel and high-performance computing (HPC) workloads in the cloud.

2. Azure App Service:

A fully managed platform for building, deploying, and scaling web and mobile applications.

3. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS):

A fully managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy to deploy and manage containerized applications.

4. Azure Virtual Desktop:

A virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) service that provides virtualized desktops and applications to users.

5. Azure Durable Functions:

A serverless extension for Azure Functions that allows you to write stateful workflows in a serverless environment.

Azure Compute provides a wide range of compute resources and services to meet the needs of different types of applications and workloads. By leveraging Azure Compute, you can build and deploy applications quickly, easily, and at scale.

Types of resources azure cloud offers

Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services and resources to help businesses and organizations build, deploy, and manage applications and infrastructure in the cloud. Here are some of the types of resources that Azure offers:

1. Compute:

Azure provides a variety of compute resources, including virtual machines, container instances, and Azure Functions. These resources allow you to run applications and services in the cloud without having to manage physical hardware.

2. Storage:

Azure provides different types of storage resources, including blob storage, file storage, and table storage. These resources allow you to store and manage data in the cloud.

3. Networking:

Azure provides a range of networking resources, including virtual networks, load balancers, and virtual private networks (VPNs). These resources allow you to connect and manage your applications and services in the cloud.

4. Databases:

Azure provides several database services, including Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure Database for PostgreSQL. These resources allow you to store and manage your data in a secure and scalable way.

5. Analytics:

Azure provides several analytics resources, including Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Data Factory, and Azure HDInsight. These resources allow you to process and analyze your data in the cloud.

6. Identity and access management:

Azure provides several identity and access management resources, including Azure Active Directory, Azure AD B2C, and Azure AD Domain Services. These resources allow you to manage user access and authentication to your applications and services.

7. Internet of Things (IoT):

Azure provides several IoT resources, including Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Central, and Azure IoT Edge. These resources allow you to connect, manage, and monitor your IoT devices in the cloud.

8. DevOps:

Azure provides several DevOps resources, including Azure DevOps, Azure Artifacts, and Azure Test Plans. These resources allow you to build, deploy, and manage your applications in a continuous and automated way.

These are just a few examples of the types of resources that Azure offers. There are many more resources available, and new ones are being added all the time to support different types of workloads and scenarios.

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Why business needs to move to the cloud

Companies spend large amounts of money developing and installing software to improve their operations. Cloud Computing enables your business to access software on the internet as a service. Cloud computing is also a safe way of storing and sharing data.

Your staff can access the service at any time and from any location to complete their tasks. Cloud computing services fall into three major categories that include Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). You can choose any of these services depending on the needs of your business. If you are unsure about moving from the traditional way of computing, here are the top reasons why you should move your business to cloud computing.

1. Reduced costs

Establishing and running a data center is expensive. You need to purchase the right equipment and hire technicians to install and manage the center. When you shift to cloud computing, you will only pay for the services procured. More interested in how the cloud can reduce cost in your business? Check out the importance of the cloud to enterprise then. Providers charge cloud computing services based the features, storage, number of users, time, and memory space among other factors. Hence, you can choose a package that suits your budget and save costs.

2. Flexibility

One of the major benefits of cloud computing is mobility. The service gives you and your employees the flexibility to work from any location. Employees can complete their tasks at home or from the field. You can reduce the number of workstations in your office and allow some employees to work from home to save costs further. Cloud computing enables you to monitor the operations in your business effectively. You just need a fast internet connection to get real time updates of all operations.

3. Scalability

The traditional way of planning for unexpected growth is to purchase and keep additional servers, storage, and licenses. It may take years before you actually use the reserve resources. Scaling cloud computing services is easy. You can get additional storage space or features whenever you need them. Your provider will simply upgrade your package within minutes as long as you meet the additional cost.

4. No need for a backup plan

Traditional computing system require back up plans especially for data storage. A disaster can lead to permanent data loss if no backup storage is in place. Businesses do not require any such means when storing data on a cloud. The data will always be available as long as users have an internet connection. Some businesses use cloud computing services as backup and a plan for disaster recovery.

5. Data security

Sometimes storing data on the cloud is safer than storing it on physical servers and data centers. A breach of security at your premises can lead compromised data security if laptops or computers are stolen. If you have data on the cloud, you can delete any confidential information remotely or move it to a different account. Breaching the security measures on clouding platforms is difficult. Hence, you are assured of data security. Here’s what everyone should know about cyber security in the cloud.

6. A wide range of options

We have already mentioned the main groups of cloud computing services, that is, IaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Each of these groups has many sub categories that vary across providers. For instance, if you are looking for software, you will have hundreds of options from different providers. You can choose the service providers with the best features and rates for the service that your business needs.

7. Improved collaboration

Business owners are always looking for ways to boost individual and team performance. Cloud computing is among the most effective ways of improving team performance. Staff members can easily share data and collaborate to complete projects even from different locations. Field workers can easily share real time data and updates with those in the office. In addition, cloud computing eliminates redundant or repetitive tasks such as data re-entry. You can improve the level of efficiency, increase productivity, and save costs by moving your business to cloud computing. The best approach is to shift the operations gradually to avoid data losses or manipulation during the shift. Compare different service providers and their range of services to pick the right provider. Your experience and ability to enjoy the benefits outlined above depend on your choice of a service provider. Ask for referrals from other business owners or conduct a thorough background check to get the best cloud computing services.

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing

Thursday 13 August 2020

Type of Cloud Computing Services

Cloud Computing Services are service deployment models that let you choose the level of control over your information and types of services you need to provide. There are three main types of cloud computing services, sometimes called the cloud computing stack because they build on top of one another.

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the most basic category of cloud computing services. With Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), you rent IT infrastructure servers and virtual machines (VMs), storage, networks, and operating systems from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis. It's an instant computing infrastructure, provisioned and managed over the internet.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides an environment for building, testing, and deploying software applications. The goal of Platform as a Service (PaaS) is to help create an application as quickly as possible without having to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure. For example, when deploying a web application using Platform as a Service (PaaS), you don't have to install an operating system, web server, or even system updates. Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a complete development and deployment environment in the cloud, with resources that enable organizations to deliver everything from simple cloud-based apps to sophisticated cloud-enabled enterprise applications.

Resources are purchased from a cloud service provider on a pay-as-you-go basis and accessed over a secure Internet connection.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is software that is centrally hosted and managed for the end customer. It allows users to connect to and use cloud-based apps over the internet. Common examples are email, calendars, and office tools such as Microsoft 365.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is typically licensed through a monthly or annual subscription, and Microsoft 365 is an example of Software as a Service (SaaS) software.

Type of Cloud Computing Services

Type of Cloud Computing Services

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Hybrid Cloud

A Hybrid Cloud combines both public and Private Clouds, allowing you to run your applications in the most appropriate location.

Hybrid Cloud type has the following characteristics

Resource location - Specific resources run or are used in a Public Cloud, and others run or are used in a Private Cloud.

Cost and efficiency - Hybrid Cloud models allow an organization to leverage some of the benefits of cost, efficiency, and scale that are available with a Public Cloud model.

Control - Organizations retain management control in Private Clouds.

Skills - Technical skills are still required to maintain the Private Cloud and ensure both cloud models can operate together.

Hybrid Cloud

An example of a
Hybrid Cloud usage scenario would be hosting a website in the Public Cloud and linking it to a highly secure database hosted in a Private Cloud.

Hybrid Cloud scenarios can be useful when organizations have some things that cannot be put in a Public Cloud, possibly for legal reasons. For example, you may have medical data that cannot be exposed publicly.

Another example is one or more applications that run on old hardware that can’t be updated. In this case, you can keep the old system running locally in your Private Cloud and connect it to the Public Cloud for authorization or storage.

Hybrid Cloud Disadvantages

Upfront CapEx - front CapEx is still required before organizations can leverage a Private Cloud.

Costs - Purchasing and maintaining a Private Cloud to use alongside the Public Cloud can be more expensive than selecting a single deployment type.

Skills - Deep technical skills are still required to be able to set up a Private Cloud.

Ease of Management - Organizations need to ensure there are clear guidelines to avoid confusion, complications or misuse.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Private Cloud

A Private Cloud is owned and operated by the organization that uses the resources from that cloud. They create a cloud environment in their own data centre and provide self-service access to compute resources to users within their organization. The organization remains the owner, entirely responsible for the operation of the services they provide.

Private Cloud

Private Cloud type have following characteristics

Ownership - The owner and user of the cloud services are the same.

Hardware - The owner is entirely responsible for the purchase, maintenance, and management of the cloud hardware.

Users - A Private Cloud operates only within one organization and cloud computing resources are used exclusively by a single business or organization.

Connectivity - A connection to a Private Cloud is typically made over a private network that is highly secure.

Public access - Does not provide access to the public.

Skills - Requires deep technical knowledge to set up, manage, and maintain.

A use case scenario for a Private Cloud would be when an organization has data that cannot be put in the public cloud, perhaps for legal reasons. For example, they may have medical data that cannot be exposed publicly.

Another scenario may be where government policy requires specific data to be kept in-country or privately.

A Private Cloud can provide cloud functionality to external customers as well, or to specific internal departments such as Accounting or Human Resources.

Private Cloud Disadvantages:

Upfront CapEx - Hardware must be purchased for start-up and maintenance.

Agility - Private Clouds are not as agile as public clouds, because you need to purchase and set up all the underlying infrastructure before they can be leveraged.

Maintenance - Organizations have the responsibility for hardware maintenance and updates.

Skills - Private Clouds require in-house IT skills and expertise that may be hard to get or be costly.

Public Cloud

A Public Cloud is owned by the cloud services provider (also known as a hosting provider). It provides resources and services to multiple organizations and users, who connect to the cloud service via a secure network connection, typically over the internet.

Public Cloud

Public Cloud type has the following characteristics

Ownership - Ownership refers to the resources that an organization or end-user uses. Examples include storage and processing power. Resources do not belong to the organization that is utilizing them, but rather they are owned and operated by a third party, such as the cloud service provider.

Multiple End Users - Public Cloud modes may make their resources available to multiple organizations.

Public Access - Public Access allows the public to access the desired cloud services.

Availability - Availability is the most common cloud-type deployment model.

Connectivity - Users and organizations are typically connected to the Public Cloud over the internet using a web browser.

Skills - Public Clouds do not require deep technical knowledge to set up and use its resources.

With a Public Cloud, there is no local hardware to manage or keep up to date; everything runs on the cloud provider’s hardware. In some cases, cloud users can save additional costs by sharing computing resources with other cloud users.

A common use case scenario is deploying a web application or a blog site on hardware and resources that are owned by a cloud provider. Using a Public Cloud in this scenario allows cloud users to get their website/blog up and running quickly, and then focus on maintaining the site without having to worry about purchasing, managing, or maintaining the hardware on which it runs.

Businesses can use multiple Public Cloud service provider companies of varying scale. Microsoft Azure is an example of a Public Cloud provider.

Public Cloud Disadvantages:

Security - There may be specific security requirements that cannot be met by using Public Cloud.

Compliance - There may be government policies, industry standards, or legal requirements which Public Clouds cannot meet.

Ownership - Organizations don't own the hardware or services and cannot manage them as they may wish.

Specific Scenarios - If organizations have a unique business requirement, such as having to maintain a legacy application, it may be hard to meet that requirement with Public Cloud services.

Monday 10 August 2020

Type of Cloud

There are three different types of cloud: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud. A cloud type defines where your data is stored and how your customers interact with it – how do they get to it, and where do the applications run? It also depends on how much ownership of infrastructure you want or need to manage.

Type of Cloud - 

1. Public Cloud

Public Cloud is owned by the cloud services provider (also known as a hosting provider). It provides resources and services to multiple organizations and users, who connect to the cloud service via a secure network connection, typically over the internet.

2. Private Cloud

Private Cloud is owned and operated by the organization that uses the resources from that cloud. They create a cloud environment in their own data centre and provide self-service access to compute resources to users within their organization. The organization remains the owner, entirely responsible for the operation of the services they provide.

3. Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud combines both Public and Private Clouds, allowing you to run your applications in the most appropriate location.

Type of Cloud
Type of Cloud

Sunday 9 August 2020

Consumption Based Model

Cloud service providers operate on a Consumption-Based Model, which means that end-users only pay for the resources that they use. Whatever they use is what they pay for.

This Consumption-Based Model brings with it many benefits, including:

  • No upfront costs.
  • No need to purchase and manage the costly infrastructure that they may or may not use to its fullest.
  • The ability to pay for additional resources when they are needed.
  • The ability to stop paying for resources that are no longer needed.

Sunday 3 May 2020

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless Computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server, and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. Serverless Computing lets you run application code without creating, configuring, or maintaining a server. The core idea is that your application is broken into separate functions that run when triggered by some action. This is ideal for automated tasks - for example, you can build a serverless process that automatically sends an email confirmation after a customer makes an online purchase.

The serverless model differs from VMs and containers in that you only pay for the processing time used by each function as it executes. VMs and containers are charged while they're running - even if the applications on them are idle. This architecture doesn't work for every app - but when the app logic can be separated to independent units, you can test them separately, update them separately, and launch them in microseconds, making this approach the fastest option for deployment. Pricing is based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application, rather than on pre-purchased units of capacity.

Serverless Computing

What are Containers?

Containers provide a consistent, isolated execution environment for applications. They're similar to VM's except they don't require a guest operating system. Instead, the application and all its dependencies are packaged into a "Container" and then a standard runtime environment is used to execute the app. This allows the Container to start up in just a few seconds because there's no OS to boot and initialize. You only need the app to launch.

The open-source project, Docker, is one of the leading platforms for managing Containers. Docker Containers provide an efficient, lightweight approach to application deployment because they allow different components of the application to be deployed independently into different Containers. Multiple Containers can be run on a single machine, and Containers can be moved between machines. The portability of the Container makes it easy for applications to be deployed in multiple environments, either on-premises or in the cloud, often with no changes to the application.


What is Virtual Machine (VM)?

A Virtual Machine (VM) is an emulation of a computer - just like your desktop or laptop, you're using now. Each Virtual Machine (VM) includes an operating system and hardware that appears to the user like a physical computer running Windows or Linux. You can then install whatever software you need to do the tasks you want to perform.

Virtual Machine (VM)s are created to perform specific tasks that are risky to perform in a host environment, such as accessing virus-infected data and testing operating systems. Since the virtual machine is sandboxed from the rest of the system, the software inside the virtual machine cannot tamper with the host computer. A hypervisor is computer software, firmware, or hardware that is used to create and run virtual machines.

Advantages of Virtual Machines:

  • Provides disaster recovery and application provisioning options
  • Virtual Machine (VM)s are simply managed, maintained, and are widely available
  • Multiple operating system environments can be run on a single physical computer
Virtual Machine

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is renting resources, like storage space or CPU cycles, on another company's computers. You only pay for what you use. The company providing these services is referred to as a cloud provider. Some example providers are Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.

Cloud Computing is a big shift from the traditional way businesses think about IT resources. Here are some important reasons organisations are turning to Cloud Computing services.
Cloud Computing


Cloud Computing eliminates the capital expense of buying hardware and software and setting up and running on-site data centers—the racks of servers, the round-the-clock electricity for power and cooling, and the IT experts for managing the infrastructure. It adds up fast.

Global Scale

The benefits of Cloud Computing services include the ability to scale elastically. In cloud speak, that means delivering the right amount of IT resources—for example, more or less computing power, storage, bandwidth—right when they’re needed, and from the right geographic location.


The biggest Cloud Computing services run on a worldwide network of secure data centers, which are regularly upgraded to the latest generation of fast and efficient computing hardware. This offers several benefits over a single corporate data center, including reduced network latency for applications and greater economies of scale.


Many cloud providers offer a broad set of policies, technologies, and controls that strengthen your security posture overall, helping protect your data, apps, and infrastructure from potential threats.


On-site data centers typically require a lot of “racking and stacking”—hardware setup, software patching, and other time-consuming IT management chores. Cloud Computing removes the need for many of these tasks, so IT teams can spend time on achieving more important business goals.


Cloud Computing makes data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity easier and less expensive because data can be mirrored at multiple redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is renting resources, like storage space or CPU cycles, on another company's computers. You only pay for what you use. The company providing these services is referred to as a cloud provider. Some example providers are Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.

The cloud provider is responsible for the physical hardware required to execute your work, and for keeping it up-to-date. The computing services offered tend to vary by the cloud provider. However, typically they include:
  • Compute Power - such as Linux servers or web applications
  • Storage - such as files and databases
  • Networking - such as secure connections between the cloud provider and your company
  • Analytics - such as visualizing telemetry and performance data

Cloud Computing

The goal of Cloud Computing is to make running a business easier and more efficient, whether it's a small start-up or a large enterprise. Every business is unique and has different needs. To meet those needs, Cloud Computing providers offer a wide range of services.

Every business has different needs and requirements. Cloud Computing is flexible and cost-efficient, which can be beneficial to every business, whether it's a small start-up or a large enterprise.