Showing posts with label Cyber Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyber Security. Show all posts

Thursday 2 June 2022

Cyber Security

Cyber security are techniques generally set forth in published materials that attempt to safeguard the cyber environment of a user or organization. It manages the set of techniques used to save the integrity of networks, programs and data from unauthorized access. It refers to the body of technologies, processes, and it may also be referred to as information technology security. 

The security, which is designed to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, is a subset of cyber security.

The field is of growing importance due to increasing reliance on computer systems, including smart phones, televisions and the various tiny devices that constitute the Internet of Things.  



The range of operations of cyber security involves protecting information and systems from major cyber threats. These threats take many forms. As a result, keeping pace with cyber security strategy and operations can be a challenge, particularly in government and enterprise networks where, in their most innovative form, cyber threats often take aim at secret, political and military assets of a nation, or its people. 

Some of the common threats are :

1. Cyber terrorism 

It is the innovative use of information technology by terrorist groups to further their political agenda. It took the form of attacks on networks, computer systems and telecommunication infrastructures.

2. Cyber warfare 

It involves nation-states using information technology to go through something another nations networks to cause damage. In the U.S. and many other people live in a society, cyber warfare has been acknowledged as the fifth domain of warfare. Cyber warfare attacks are primarily executed by hackers who are well-trained in use of benefit the quality of details computer networks, and operate under the favorable and support of nation-states. Rather than closing a targets key networks, a cyber-warfare attack may forced to put into a situation into networks to compromise valuable data, degrade communications, impair such infrastructural services as transportation and medical services, or interrupt commerce.

3. Cyber espionage 

It is the practice of using information technology to obtain secret information without
permission from its owners or holders. It is the most often used to gain strategic, economic, military advantage, and is conducted using cracking techniques and malware.

What Cyber Security Can Prevent

The use of cyber security can help prevent cyber-attacks, data breaches and identity theft and can aid in risk management. When an organization has a strong sense of network security and an effective incident response plan, it is better able to prevent and serious of these attacks. For example, end user protection defends information and guards against loss or theft while also scanning computers for malicious code.