Showing posts with label Type of Cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Type of Cloud. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Hybrid Cloud

A Hybrid Cloud combines both public and Private Clouds, allowing you to run your applications in the most appropriate location.

Hybrid Cloud type has the following characteristics

Resource location - Specific resources run or are used in a Public Cloud, and others run or are used in a Private Cloud.

Cost and efficiency - Hybrid Cloud models allow an organization to leverage some of the benefits of cost, efficiency, and scale that are available with a Public Cloud model.

Control - Organizations retain management control in Private Clouds.

Skills - Technical skills are still required to maintain the Private Cloud and ensure both cloud models can operate together.

Hybrid Cloud

An example of a
Hybrid Cloud usage scenario would be hosting a website in the Public Cloud and linking it to a highly secure database hosted in a Private Cloud.

Hybrid Cloud scenarios can be useful when organizations have some things that cannot be put in a Public Cloud, possibly for legal reasons. For example, you may have medical data that cannot be exposed publicly.

Another example is one or more applications that run on old hardware that can’t be updated. In this case, you can keep the old system running locally in your Private Cloud and connect it to the Public Cloud for authorization or storage.

Hybrid Cloud Disadvantages

Upfront CapEx - front CapEx is still required before organizations can leverage a Private Cloud.

Costs - Purchasing and maintaining a Private Cloud to use alongside the Public Cloud can be more expensive than selecting a single deployment type.

Skills - Deep technical skills are still required to be able to set up a Private Cloud.

Ease of Management - Organizations need to ensure there are clear guidelines to avoid confusion, complications or misuse.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Private Cloud

A Private Cloud is owned and operated by the organization that uses the resources from that cloud. They create a cloud environment in their own data centre and provide self-service access to compute resources to users within their organization. The organization remains the owner, entirely responsible for the operation of the services they provide.

Private Cloud

Private Cloud type have following characteristics

Ownership - The owner and user of the cloud services are the same.

Hardware - The owner is entirely responsible for the purchase, maintenance, and management of the cloud hardware.

Users - A Private Cloud operates only within one organization and cloud computing resources are used exclusively by a single business or organization.

Connectivity - A connection to a Private Cloud is typically made over a private network that is highly secure.

Public access - Does not provide access to the public.

Skills - Requires deep technical knowledge to set up, manage, and maintain.

A use case scenario for a Private Cloud would be when an organization has data that cannot be put in the public cloud, perhaps for legal reasons. For example, they may have medical data that cannot be exposed publicly.

Another scenario may be where government policy requires specific data to be kept in-country or privately.

A Private Cloud can provide cloud functionality to external customers as well, or to specific internal departments such as Accounting or Human Resources.

Private Cloud Disadvantages:

Upfront CapEx - Hardware must be purchased for start-up and maintenance.

Agility - Private Clouds are not as agile as public clouds, because you need to purchase and set up all the underlying infrastructure before they can be leveraged.

Maintenance - Organizations have the responsibility for hardware maintenance and updates.

Skills - Private Clouds require in-house IT skills and expertise that may be hard to get or be costly.

Public Cloud

A Public Cloud is owned by the cloud services provider (also known as a hosting provider). It provides resources and services to multiple organizations and users, who connect to the cloud service via a secure network connection, typically over the internet.

Public Cloud

Public Cloud type has the following characteristics

Ownership - Ownership refers to the resources that an organization or end-user uses. Examples include storage and processing power. Resources do not belong to the organization that is utilizing them, but rather they are owned and operated by a third party, such as the cloud service provider.

Multiple End Users - Public Cloud modes may make their resources available to multiple organizations.

Public Access - Public Access allows the public to access the desired cloud services.

Availability - Availability is the most common cloud-type deployment model.

Connectivity - Users and organizations are typically connected to the Public Cloud over the internet using a web browser.

Skills - Public Clouds do not require deep technical knowledge to set up and use its resources.

With a Public Cloud, there is no local hardware to manage or keep up to date; everything runs on the cloud provider’s hardware. In some cases, cloud users can save additional costs by sharing computing resources with other cloud users.

A common use case scenario is deploying a web application or a blog site on hardware and resources that are owned by a cloud provider. Using a Public Cloud in this scenario allows cloud users to get their website/blog up and running quickly, and then focus on maintaining the site without having to worry about purchasing, managing, or maintaining the hardware on which it runs.

Businesses can use multiple Public Cloud service provider companies of varying scale. Microsoft Azure is an example of a Public Cloud provider.

Public Cloud Disadvantages:

Security - There may be specific security requirements that cannot be met by using Public Cloud.

Compliance - There may be government policies, industry standards, or legal requirements which Public Clouds cannot meet.

Ownership - Organizations don't own the hardware or services and cannot manage them as they may wish.

Specific Scenarios - If organizations have a unique business requirement, such as having to maintain a legacy application, it may be hard to meet that requirement with Public Cloud services.

Monday 10 August 2020

Type of Cloud

There are three different types of cloud: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud. A cloud type defines where your data is stored and how your customers interact with it – how do they get to it, and where do the applications run? It also depends on how much ownership of infrastructure you want or need to manage.

Type of Cloud - 

1. Public Cloud

Public Cloud is owned by the cloud services provider (also known as a hosting provider). It provides resources and services to multiple organizations and users, who connect to the cloud service via a secure network connection, typically over the internet.

2. Private Cloud

Private Cloud is owned and operated by the organization that uses the resources from that cloud. They create a cloud environment in their own data centre and provide self-service access to compute resources to users within their organization. The organization remains the owner, entirely responsible for the operation of the services they provide.

3. Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud combines both Public and Private Clouds, allowing you to run your applications in the most appropriate location.

Type of Cloud
Type of Cloud